Te rangihaeata biography

Te rauangaanga whakapapa

TE RANGIHAEATA, or MOKAU (?), a celebrated fighting chief of Ngati-Toa, was the son of Rakaherea and Waitohi (sister of Te Rauparaha), and a brother of Topeora.

te rangihaeata biography

Te aka

A member of an esoteric school of carving and well-versed in tribal lore and history, Rangihaeata was regarded as one of the fiercest of fighting chiefs.

Te rangimoeakau

Te Rangihaeata was a leading warrior chief of the Ngati Toa. Te Rangihaeata, and his sister Te Rangi Topeora, were the only surviving children of their parents Waitohi (Ngati Toa-Ngati .

Te rangihaeata wife
Who is Te Rangihaeata?