Surjit singh rakhra biography channel

Surjit singh rakhra brother

Surjit Singh Rakhra is an Indian politician who belongs to the Shiromani Akali Dal. He was Minister for Water Supply and Sanitation, Higher Education and Languages (–) in the Punjab Government.
surjit singh rakhra biography channel

Surjit singh rakhra family

Know about SURJIT SINGH RAKHRA educational qualification, net worth, wife, family and personal background, caste, age, political life, controversies and more on Times of India.

Surjit singh rakhra contact number

Punjab & Sind bank, VPO Rakhra Tehsil Patiala A/c No.- 5, 5 Thou+ State Bank of India A/C No xxxxx, Haryana Civil Sectt.
Surjit Singh Rakhra - Wikipedia
Surjit Singh Rakhra: Know about Surjit Singh Rakhra Education qualification, net worth, political career, Surjit Singh Rakhra wife, Professional and Personal background on.