Marie van goethem and degas
Antoinette van goethem
Marie Geneviève van Goethem (or Goetham or Goeuthen; born 7 June ) was a French ballet student and dancer with the Paris Opera Ballet, and the model for Edgar Degas's statue Little Dancer of Fourteen Years (La Petite Danseuse de Quatorze Ans).
Degas ballerina sculpture musée d'orsay
Edgar Degas, Classe de ballet () Philadelphia Museum of van Goethem est représentée de dos à droite de la scène.
How many degas ballerina statues are there
The Little Fourteen–Year–Old Dancer is a c.
Marie van goethem death
Edgar Degas's famous wax sculpture Little Dancer Aged Fourteen was modeled after a ballet student at the Paris Opera named Marie van Goethem.