Mao tse tung biography wikipedia indonesia
Is mao tse-tung still alive
Mao Zedong (/ ˈmaʊ (d) zəˈdʊŋ /; [1] 26 Desember 1893 – 9 September 1976), sering disebut Ketua Mao, adalah revolusioner komunis Tiongkok yang menjadi pendiri Republik Rakyat Missing: biography.
What is mao tse-tung famous for
Mao: The Unknown Story is a 2005 biography of the Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong (1893–1976) that was written by the husband-and-wife team of the writer Jung Chang and the .
Mao zedong children
Mao Zedong (/ ˈmaʊ (d) zəˈdʊŋ /; [1] 26 Desember – 9 September ), sering disebut Ketua Mao, adalah revolusioner komunis Tiongkok yang menjadi pendiri Republik Rakyat Missing: biography.
Mao zedong cause of death
Mao: The Unknown Story is a biography of the Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong (–) that was written by the husband-and-wife team of the writer Jung .